Differences Between People with High IQ and High EQ

IQ and Emotional Intelligence isn’t supposed to be pinned up against each other - they are separate entities.

Hi! I’m known as C-DANG. Those who have been following me, whether it’s through my Instagram,  my website, or my Facebook page know (or at least I hope they do) I’m here to spread self & social awareness because I believe it’s the key to positive change.

I just want to note that this video is an added explanation, as a side note, to a series I’ve started called “The Emotional Intelligence Series”.

There isn’t a test you can take for your Emotional Intelligence score. But we can test our empathy to try to read other people’s feelings with their facial expressions.

In our normal lives, we mix our intellect and emotional components all the time. What I really wanted to share with you are the different characteristics between people with high in IQ and High Emotional Intelligence. The differences are remarkable. Profiles are slightly different from men and women.

I just want to say quickly that these great examples coming up are from Daniel Goleman’s book “Emotional Intelligence- The groundbreaking book that redefines what it means to be smart” – I would recommend you grab this book if you are a nerd like me. I will put an Amazon link at the bottom for you if you are interested.


Ok, for these examples I am going to over exaggerate these group of men and women.

The high IQ types (who sets their emotional intelligence aside), think Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.


The high IQ male would be ambitious and productive, predictable and dogged, and untroubled by concerns about himself. But he is also critical and condescending, meticulous and cannot seem to relax. He’s uneasy with sexuality and sensual experience, he’s not expressive and seems to be detached. Last and not least, he’s bland emotionally and cold.


But now, men with high emotional intelligence are socially equipped, outgoing and cheerful. They have this confidence that says “he’s so cool and oh so relaxed”. They are fearless to most and is known to have a commitment to people or causes. They have an ethical outlook, They are sympathetic and caring in their relationships. Their emotional life is rich but appropriate; They are comfortable with themselves, others and the universe they live in.


Now with purely high-IQ women, they would have the expected intellectual confidence. They are fluent in expressing their thoughts, They value intellectual matter. But they are more prone to anxiety, guilt and tends to obsessively overthink their thoughts. They don’t like conflict so they hesitate to express their anger openly (but they do do it indirectly)


Women with high emotional intelligence are confident and express their feelings directly. They feel positive about themselves because life holds meaning for them. Like the men, they are outgoing, witty, and express their feelings appropriately. They adapt well to stress. Their social aura lets them connect easily with new people. They are confident about themselves to be playful, spontaneous and open to sensual experience. Unlike women purely high in IQ, they rarely feel guilty and anxious.

Alright, as mentioned before these examples are over exaggerated. But now you should see the differences between people with high IQ and people with High emotional intelligence.

I hope you learned something and enjoyed this video, as much as I love making it. Thank you for watching, I’m C-Dang, I’ll catch you next time!


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C Dang.

A life enthusiast who loves art+design, food, travel and philosophy.


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